The Power of Music and Voice

Episode 2: Chatting with Connor Banks

lynne nash Season 1 Episode 2

Hello and welcome

Here in this episode I'm chatting to a very inspiring and talented young singer/songwriter - Connor Banks, on what music means to him, how it's therapeutic, how it's helped him and others during lockdown regarding mental health, songwriting and his future in the music business.

For such a young musician, Connor is so very aware of the Power of Music as therapy and is interested in working towards  understanding it more too. 

Back at the beginning of lockdown and frustrated at not being able to get out and play gigs, Connor wanted to share his music to keep up to speed and entertain people during the coronavirus lockdown.  He also wanted to raise money for Wigan and Leigh Hospice, a place close to his family's heart. 

He said "I'd normally be gigging at weekend so this is my way of doing that"

He plays guitar and keyboards and sings.  He has a wonderful voice.  Some of the music he played was his own material but he also did many requests and it was all done from the music room in his house. 

The response was fantastic and he raised a couple of thousand pounds for the hospice for which he was really pleased and he was happy to help because his granddad went there for outpatient treatment and he and his nan joined the ukulele group there. 

He said " It was a straightforward decision about who to raise money for because I know the hospice does not get public funding. 

He is also studying songwriting at BIMM in Manchester and has ambitions to pursue a career in music.

Here are some links to his social media accounts and I thoroughly recommend you watch and listen to some of his videos on youtube and facebook.